Meet The Team

We feel incredibly lucky to have such a talented and unique team of teachers who make every experience at The Boathouse Yoga an unforgettable one. Their dedication to the practice and their students is unparalleled, and their passion for yoga shines through in every class.

Kristen Dewar

The first time I did yoga, I honestly thought I’d never do it again. A friend recommended I try yoga as a compliment to my passion for running, but that first class was hard. I assumed my reservation to attend a second class was purely physical difficulty, but the more I practiced the more I realized that as physical as the class was, it was my mind that was struggling. For me, yoga is so fascinating because of the benefits to both the body and the mind. Mentally, yoga encourages me to slow down, be in a moment and appreciate what is. Physically, I’m listening to my own body, moving with my breath and creating total body equanimity in each pose.

When someone attends my class, I want them to feel acceptance and appreciation for their practice and their self. I aim to create a practice that fits every body and I strive to have students feeling strong and grateful for all their body does during our time together and hope students eventually take that gratitude and strength off their mat too. One of my favourite qualities of yoga is that it is a practice. It’s your practice. There is no game to win, or something to beat. I strongly encourage students to come exactly as they are and to embrace and appreciate all that they can do. The energy in a yoga studio is like no other, and I sure hope you will share your energy with me this summer!

Marianne Jezerinac

Happy, joyous and free. These are the emotions I felt on my yoga mat when I started my yoga journey in 2007.  I was 3 years into my sobriety journey and something felt like it was missing until I found myself in a yoga class. My body and mind actually felt relaxed, at ease and even elated, emotions I had longed for. I knew then that I wanted to share this feeling with others and finally leave the office job that so much did not suit my personality. 200 hrs of yoga alliance training and numerous other trainings later and here I am 17 1/2 years sober and still feeling happy, joyous and free while I get to do what I love. I can’t wait to see you on your mat.

Julie Barnes

The practice of yoga has been a part of my life for over 15 years and has helped me grow stronger and more flexible both on and off of my mat.

In 2013 I completed by 250YTT through Downward Dog Yoga Centre (Toronto) and in 2016 I completed my 200YTT through Power Yoga Canada.  Since that time, I have participated in many advanced Teacher trainings in Costa Rica and Toronto.  I will always be a student of the practice and I am deeply grateful for the loving wisdom my teachers have shared with me.  

My teaching has greatly evolved over time and in my classes I now combine creative, intentional sequencing based on healthy range of movement and strength work with a spirit of playfulness and mindfulness. I thrive on helping others feel as good in their bodies as they possibly can both physically and emotionally.  My hope is that when you step off of your mat you do so with greater ease and joy.

Jenn (Dwyer) Binnington

My yoga journey started on a couch in front of a therapist who said you should really go to yoga. I resisted (as any anxious dancer that could touch her toes would) but a force greater than me (thanks Mom) dragged me to class. Yoga taught me to pay attention to the moment and in practicing this, I realized there was an annoying voice in my head constantly taking me out of it. I could finally pinpoint what was making me so miserable: ME. And just like that, I fell in love with this practice not because of what it did for my body but because of what it did for my mind.

My classes focus on creating a deep connection between your body and your breath. I believe the most advanced practice has nothing to do with what it looks like and everything to do with what it feels like. I hope my students leave their mat with a deep appreciation for their body and a renewed perspective on what matters most in life. I can’t wait to see you on your mat.

The Boathouse Yoga Co team is thrilled to open our doors to TriLakes training very own Kelsey Chiappa for some early morning circuit classes for summer 2023! Kelsey will be offering strength training classes all summer long and we feel so grateful to have her bringing some extra strength to our little space!

Kelsey Chiappa

Kelsey has been involved in training clients since 2010, while taking breaks to compete as a professional wakeboarder herself. In 2013, she was involved in a serious accident, after which she was told she may never exercise or wakeboard again but she did not let that did not stop her.
In 2015, she began to strength train other athletes and now has well over 10,000 hours of training under her belt. Kelsey uses her knowledge, experience, and skills to educate and help others achieve their fitness goals.

In Kelseys classes we have fun! The goal is to improve movement and get stronger with like-minded people from all walks of life.  Kelsey is full of knowledge that will help you reach your next level, whether you have trained for years or are starting from scratch. During her classes, Kelsey wants you to move safely and effectively while having a blast! Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be shy if you want a little more of a push from her :)